Dylan has not liked any green vegetables since he hit the toddler stage (except for peas which he barely tolerates) and he is usually pretty outspoken about it too. We have tried to get him to eat salad before but he usually gets a repulsed look on his face and then spits it all out. Well today I was eating a bowl of salad for lunch and he suddenly began asking me if he could have some too. I sprinkled some cheese on there and poured on some ranch dressing (his request) and gave it to him. I have to admit I was skeptical. I thought he might try and find a way to eat the ranch but not the salad. To my surprise he took a big bite and said "I love it!!!" Besides the green veggies he has always disliked eggs, any kind of melon, and peanut butter. In the past few months he has decided he loves eggs. So now we are just down to melon and peanut butter. Maybe there is hope for him after all!
Yay Dylan! Kids are so funny! Lexi hates eggs at the moment! But loves to pull the sea weed off of sushi and eat it plain. Yuck! what a weirdo!
hey you never know what or when kids will start liking stuff.... unfortunately i never grew out of a lot of my dislikes! but good for dylan!
That is pretty funny! I didn't realize he was so picky about what he eats. I have been lucky to have great eaters.
Hes actually been a pretty awesome eater with the exception of those 4 things! I am anticipating a much harder time with Jaxson!
I love the picture of you with your boys... I can't believe how big Jaxson is getting! Hey, Adam is interested in Oral surgery... can he give Nick a call to get some advice about it? I've been a horrible blogger, so let me know through e-mail! Thanks!! Adam_lisa@netzero.net
So happy for the good surprise!! Go Dylan!
yeah james doesnt really have short temper either but the rest is right anyway!
That is too funny!
Hey woman!!! Have you guys fallen off the face of the earth? Just thinking about you guys and wondering how you are! We miss you guys! Hope Memphis is going well!! Take care and talk to you soon!!
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