Friday, February 29, 2008

A day at the Children's Museum

Today we went to the Children's Museum with a couple friends.  We ended up missing the last outing to the museum so Dylan was really excited to go today.  I love how they are always changing it and adding new activities for the kids.  The best part is that it's free, so I feel we can go whenever we want.  I am going to miss going when we move, but we found out there is one in Memphis too!  It ended up being a great time until we were on our way out.  They have a cool funnel type thing, where you drop coins in and they circle all the way down into a hole.  I guess the proceeds go to the museum.  Unfortunately Dylan thought it would be cool to let his hot wheel car go in it.  Well it went through the hole and was gone for good.  I tried explaining to him that we couldn't get it out, but it didn't matter he cried for it the whole way home.  Gotta love four year olds huh?

Saturday, February 23, 2008

The Circus Comes to Omaha!

Cotton Candy!
Elephant Act
Cool Clown!
Motorcycle globe
Me and Jaxson
Me, Dylan, Jaxson
Me, Jaxson, Janel, Cambryn

Dylan's Preschool gave each kid and a parent a ticket to go to the circus here in Omaha.  Dylan was super excited to see the show, I think his favorite part was the motorcycles inside the cages. He had a great time especially because he was with his best friend Jantsen.  The only thing missing was his other best friend Lexi Griggs who was out of town!  We're gonna miss the good times in Omaha and Dylan will miss his friends when we move! We'll have to find ways to keep in touch!

Saturday, February 16, 2008

Dylan's first sleep over!

Last night Dylan's best buddy Jantsen came over to spend the night.  We ordered pizza for the boys and Nick went to blockbuster to get them a movie.  He came back with "Under Dog".  I expected something more animated, but the boys were excited and seemed to enjoy it.  We even popped some popcorn.  It was fun to watch the boys sitting on the couch with their bowls of popcorn watching the movie!  After the movie we got their PJs on and put them to bed.  They each selected a few hot wheel cars to take to bed with them first!  To our surprise they went to sleep immediately and slept through the night without incident.  We are so glad Dylan has a good friend like Jantsen to play with.  I don't know what we will do when we move away!  It will be hard for all of us to leave our good friends behind.